Tax Services

Thinking of trading in your car? There’s a tax for that. Buying a desk for your home office? There’s a tax for that, too. Investing in the stock market? Selling your house? Taxed, taxed, taxed. Trust your Luminaries to understand the tax code so you don’t have to.
Personal Income Taxes, Personalized
Each tax return is unique—but not every return has to be complicated. Got questions? Want to know where you stand? Let us shed some light on your situation.

Income Tax

It’s America’s least favorite pastime. If you made at least $13,550 last year, you have to file a tax return. If your life is different than it was last year—you entered a new tax bracket, or had a child, or filed for unemployment, or got married, or wore white after Labor Day—your tax return is also different.

Our 100% electronic income tax filing service is more convenient and efficient than lugging documents over to the big block stores. And our easy, year-round accessibility means we’re available to answer all your tax questions in a timely manner, so you can file with confidence.

Audits & IRS Representation

Do any three letters scare Americans more than I, R, and S? The good news is, you have a pretty slim chance (less than 1%) of being audited. But if you are among the unlucky few, you don’t have to face the IRS or your local tax authority alone.

Our Tax Advisors have years of audit experience that can help turn potential nightmares into minor nuisances. When it’s all over with, we can help develop and review a thorough tax plan that gives the dreaded IRS as few reasons as possible to darken your door.

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