Student Loans
Taxes suck. Student loans suck more. But just like any two negatives can turn into a positive, planning your taxes and your student loans together can help you owe less on both.
How do you do it?
Sometimes it’s about how you file your return. Sometimes it’s about when. Sometimes there’s a better Income-Driven Repayment plan or a better recertification date for your situation. Most of the time it’s a little of everything, carefully plotted out over a few years to keep your payments as low as you can, for as long as you can.
How do you do it?
You leave it to the experts. As one of just 13 tax pros in the US with both Enrolled Agent (EA) and Certified Student Loan Professional (CSLP) certifications, Adam Markowitz knows what it takes to make the most of your student loans and your tax return at the same time.
services include:
- Filing your return early, or filing an extension
- Switching income-driven repayment plans
- Changing your recertification date
- Whether to file jointly or separately
- Retirement planning
Each situation is quoted individually based on where and how you earn income, your IDR plan, and the complexity of your return. For the most accurate estimate of your rate, please fill out our Complimentary Quote Form.
Single Taxpayer
MARRIED Taxpayers
*Starting rates are $100 less in states with no income tax (AK, FL, NV, NH, SD, TN, TX, WA, WY). Starting rates are $400 more in community property states for married couples filing separately (AZ, CA, ID, LA, NV, NM, TX, WA, WI).