Let Luminary Assist You With
Your Tax Return

Thank you for your interest in booking an appointment with our Luminaries!
Our calendar for appointments is now open for the 2024 tax season. Appointments may be booked anywhere from 7 to 30 days in the future. If you are looking for an appointment more than 30 days in the future, please either way until 30 days in advance to book your appointment, or contact us at admin@luminarytaxadvisors.com or call or text the office at 352-787-9451, and we’ll place a hold on that appointment slot for you. Our final day for taking appointments for the 2024 tax season will be Tuesday, April 1.
If you are interested in just having our Luminaries prepare your tax return without a meeting, please contact admin@luminarytaxadvisors.com or call or text the office at 352-787-9451, and a member of our team will get you setup with a secure link to upload your tax documents to us.
If you are a prospective client looking for a quote for your tax return, please fill out this form, and one of our Luminaries will get back to you, usually within 24 hours. Please note that we do not do consults or complimentary introduction calls during tax season since all of our appointment times are reserved for preparing tax returns.

Contact Us

For all other inquiries, please fill out the contact information form, or contact us at admin@luminarytaxadvisors.com or (352) 787-9451
Inquiries will generally be answered within 24 hours, but please allow up to 48 business hours for a response.
Please do not include confidential or sensitive information in your message.

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